OK We have moved hosts, and I am trying to work out if everything is working properly.
Please let me know if everything is not working properly. It might take a couple of days to fix. A couple of the most recent comments have gone into the ether… I apologise for this if one was yours.
I am still answering questions at www.formspring.me/jonnybee – it is quite fun if a little strange.

10 thoughts on “Testing 123

  1. JonnyB says:

    Hm. The linebreaks aren’t breaking the lines very well. So that’s one thing.

    *starts list*

  2. Ole Phat Stu says:

    I can read the text from Germany, Johnny.

  3. Bill says:

    Somethings not right. I can read you clearly, you are even making sense. Please stop!

  4. Brennig says:

    You’re now producing truncated posts (extract format) in Google Reader.

  5. MM says:

    You could post your responses to formspring on here ?

    Also, entire post on reader ? That was good for those of us using a reader ?

  6. Yep – dull font presenting still duller text. Congratulations on a flawless migration! Now to test out the comment moderation…

    You, Jonny, are a GAY, SVELTE, ENVIABLE, work-shy

  7. …HOST, a STRONG REASON for a man, and you should be PROUD of yourself.

  8. Hmmm. Not sure the antonym generator is working for you there. And you forgot to block “work-shy”…

  9. JonnyB says:


    Ooooops – sorry Brennig/MM – I changed the setting for one post a month or so back and forgot to revert it. Thanks. Will do.

  10. guyana gyal says:

    I’ll try to leave a comment here, if it disappears, this thing is not working.

Comments are closed.