These get less and less glamorous each time.
Back soon.
(Edit: here’s the link to the post RE my first impressions of the Centre Parcs chalet…)
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These get less and less glamorous each time.
Back soon.
(Edit: here’s the link to the post RE my first impressions of the Centre Parcs chalet…)
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Well, honestly you choose and wear the pants so if they aren’t glamorous don’t you reckon it’s your fault?
… not that I’m clear on what would constitute glamour in pants…
You might think the bigger the bum the lesser the allure but it ‘aint necessarily so and look on the bright side – it brings your head into proportion. Clever thinking.
Another holiday, Jonny? You poor dear – how will you cope? My mum always said that holidays were never holidays for her, what with doing the packing and looking after the kids and so on. Mind you, she had three kids. And an actual job.
As for glamour, that’s never really been you, has it? Just as well to go with the mediocre and pedestrian for once. Will make a nice change for you not to stick out so much, pushing Servalan’s buggy around in your curlers with your blotchy thighs under that cheap council-estate mini-skirt…
It’s not the pants, it’s what’s in ’em that matters.
When the next holiday comes along and he’s going “around ……… without pants” that’s when we’ll have to start worrying!!
Diana -I’m worrying already!
Do I take it you are on a ‘brief’ break, J?
You didn’t appear recently (somewhat unsuccessfully) on “The Apprentice”, by any chance?
You might be glad you’re wearing pants when you go on some of the thrilling rides!
MY pants get more and more glamorous as time goes by.
i sometimes hear “why are you wearing lace pants?”
to which i reply:
“they’re not lace, thet’re MATURE.”
Soon you’ll be Pantless in Paris?
This does seem like a poor man’s version of ‘Round Ireland With A Fridge’ – ‘On Holiday With Pants’ is a bit budget.