Short Tony opened the door in some bleariness.
“Would you like a sausage sandwich?” I asked.
His face lit up, like a spaniel discovering a lower-than-expected tax bill. “Not half,” he said.
“Great. Have you got any bread?”
Truth be told, we are both feeling slightly fragile this morning. A magnificent dinner was held at the Village Pub last night, in honour of Trafalgar Day. Here in the village we are scrupulous about honouring our local historical heroes. Admittedly, we got the date wrong, but that is a minor point.
Being very tight, we didn’t actually attend the magnificent dinner, but instead sat at the bar and befriended the Chef, who, in collusion with the Well-Spoken Barman, smuggled us out some roast beef and Yorkshire pudding.
Lord Nelson is an extremely important person, as if it wasn’t for him we would all be French, and look where that would have got us. As it was, here we were centuries later, still free to sit in the pub and eat roast beef and drink Stella.
Nelson, very much like Ronnie Barker, touched the lives of all of us and it is good that we made the effort to go to the pub. Community spirit and neighbourly acts are alive and well in England today, e.g. my kind offer to make Short Tony’s breakfast.
I scooted back to the cottage, to see if the LTLP had finished cooking our sausages.