I normally do this sort of thing at the weekend… but I’m getting horribly behind with stuff, what with working really hard an’ that to get stuff out of the way before the new Baby arrives and MY LIFE BASICALLY ENDS.


I was featured/interviewed/chatted to on the Angry and Cliff Comedy Podcast the other day. Many of you may already have come across Mr Angry and/or Cliff – it was good of them to give me the time of day and sort of set up jokes for me to answer.

It is a bit odd hearing your own voice on one of these things. Listening back, I was struck by the fact that I sounded so much like the old tapes of my dad reading me Winnie-the-Pooh stories in the 1970’s, without the intellectual content. Anyway, if you are interested, I am over there.


I’ve decided to turn off comments for all the older posts. This is a bit of a bind, as some of the most interesting/bizarre things that people have to say tend to crop up on old posts, and it is fun when a visitor says something out of the blue. But I’m fed up with all the spam from tossey people trying to get something for nothing. Including you, Honda. Yes you, car manufacturing Honda at Honda dot com.

The irony is that it all goes into the spam filter. But then I wade through them anyway, cos there is occasionally a false positive and I don’t want that genuine non-spammy non-tossey person to feel all forlorn that their comment hasn’t been published.


Please do continue to leave comments though. I still read them all obsessively, and laugh.


Thanks for bearing with me. Carry on!

18 thoughts on “Matters arising.

  1. nick says:

    And yet there are no comments on this post. How sad.

  2. JonnyB says:


  3. tillylil says:

    spam spam spam

  4. Blazing says:

    I take it that your description of your bowling ability is an old Norfolk technical term, Jonny?

  5. Sam says:

    Read them obsessively? Play it cool, JonnyB.

  6. Sam says:

    Also, I hope that Angry and Cliff aren’t going to get into that chat show circuit thing where they only have celebrities on who are trying to hawk something.

    There’s Paul O’Grady for all that nonsense, you know.

  7. Megan says:

    Hello! I am a Nigerian bank official with Christian leanings who is looking for a commitment from an exciting older man who would like various body parts enhanced.

  8. guyana gyal says:

    Psst, psst, wanta buy a Windies cricket bat? I didn’t stole it off the Aussies, nah nah, I didn’t, it’s genuwine Windies.

  9. GinaJM says:

    I think the celebrity life style is getting to you Jonny, old boy.

  10. Paul says:

    Older man who wants his body parts enhancing – you’ve definitely come to the right blog Megan.

    “exciting” – oh well, better luck next time.

    Oh, and buy a honda. They’re all honda-shaped and everything.

  11. spazmo says:

    It shouldn’t surprise me that you’re as clever on your feet as you are on paper, but nevertheless it bears mentioning – that was an extremely entertaining listen.

  12. Martin Q says:

    JonnyB, JonnyB. Have you never heard of Captcha? (or however it is spelled)

    This would end your comment spam woes and yet allow real humans to comment amusingly on your old stuff.

  13. kermit says:

    Your life will certainly not be over once the baby comes. You will just have to remember that you have two children. So when the LTLP asks if you forgot the baby at the pub, you shouldn’t respond with, “What baby? Our daughter is right, here!”

    The whole point of having two children is that you can order the older one to take care of the younger one.

  14. guyana gyal says:

    The accent, man, the accent was a bit too much for me (on the podcast).

  15. spazmo says:

    Aw, the accent was the best part! I could practically smell the chickeny countryside.

  16. JonnyB says:

    Honestly I do not know what you are talking about. I do not have an accent, at all.

    Captcha or whatever it is called is ok – but is a pain in the arse for lots of people… and isn’t totally effective anyway (a lot of the spam comments are now from human SEO spammers). I might switch them back on in a few weeks however to see if they have moved on to other sites.

  17. Z says:

    I’m feeling ever more disconcerted, Jonny. First I find that you have a real name, then that you have an actual voice (which will have to wait until tomorrow for me to listen to, though I suppose I could regale a coachful of people with it now as we return from Scotland) and finally that you not only read comments but that you are obsessed with them.

    Next, will it be pictures?

  18. sablonneuse says:

    G-G noticed an accent? I didn’t think you sounded remotely like a genuine Norfolk chappie. I was quite disappointed – especially after listening to over ten minutes of inane chatter before they finally phoned you. Perhaps I’m just too old and grunpy for this sort of thing . . . . slinks away.

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