OK – it’s a dilemma isn’t it?
Mr Angry’s flatmate nominated me for the 2006 Weblog Awards. For which I am grateful. Mr Angry’s flatmate did not nominate Mr Angry, which left Mr Angry pissed off. But I am not worried about that. He is angry. That is what he does. The clue is in the name.
So I got through to the shortlist. Which, again, I am grateful for. As well as the nomination from Mr Angry’s soon-to-be-ex-flatmate, someone, somewhere has looked at this and made a judgement that it is worth putting on that list. I don’t know who that person is. They might be an idiot, for all I know. I do not care. Somebody likes it – which is why I do it.
There, my interest should end, as the process from thereon is a vote (and you can vote every day – arf!!!), which is where these things always crash and burn as any sort of meaningful process.
But it doesn’t. Because I am a secret psychopath who needs to win everything I am involved with otherwise I start killing children. Which is awkward socially.
Plus I would love it – love it – if all the earnest blogging new meeja paradigm types saw the results and thought: ‘WTF? The best blog in the UK is some bloke going on about his village life in Norfolk? When there is serious discussion taking place about the ID card situation in the Lebanon? This is a fiasco. I had better write an earnest post about it on my web log.’
Anyway. You can vote for me here. Every day – arf!!!