Back in June, readers may remember that I started a massive nation-wide campaign to save the Village Post Office from closure.
Thank you all, for your support.
I was worried that somebody would come along and close it, but nobody has, so I think the time is right to wind down the activity. Plus frankly I’m sick to the back teeth with hearing the song. They can bulldoze the place into dust for all I care.
From a small little protest to stop something from happening that might or might not have happened in the future, the impact of the campaign spread far and wide. People told their friends and colleagues. Created logos. Wrote things in newspapers. Mowed things into their gardens. This is the New Journalism that is making people like R Murdoch, L Beaverbrook etc. so worried.
But now the campaign passes into history.
Last month I received an email enquiry from the Centre for Political Song at Glasgow Caledonian University. This facility ‘exists to promote and foster an awareness of all forms of political song.’
To be honest, I thought they were taking the mick, so I was a bit defensive to begin with. But it turns out that they weren’t, and now ‘Save the Post Office’ is wending its way into their collection, to join Bob Dylan, Woody Guthrie and people.
It seems an appropriate resting place.
They also have the free Nelson Mandela song by Special AKA in their archive and that all worked out OK apart from all that unpleasantness with his wife, so I am hopeful that that is a positive sign for the Village Post Office.
Will it close? Will it stay open? I suspect the answer to that is blowing in the wind.
So for the last time:
Watch the video
Listen to the song
Enjoy your weekends, whatever you’re doing.